Cultivating Zen Habits

Good Morning!

I woke this morning at 5:30 with the intention of going to the pool. Using the Single Changing Method, I am going to focus on changing one habit per month.

This month I want to wake up earlier in order to be more productive. I am coupling this with going to the pool because I needed a reason to get out bed. Swimming is good for my back and overall health.

I have been trying to take on too many changes at once, and realized that they aren’t sticking. It is better to focus on one thing at a time, and follow through until it becomes automatic. After that it should be okay to move on to something else.

Taken directly from there are 4 steps to lasting change:

1. Start very small.
2. Do only one change at a time.
3. Be present and enjoy the activity (don’t focus on results).
4. Be grateful for every step you take.

This year I am going to focus on just one change or per month until it becomes automatic. 

All the best,
